Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Frogs and their new tank . . .

Okay, so here are our frogs. I (Nicholaus - I am writing this one) am obsessed with frogs, but we only own three of them so far. So here is their new tank first off. . .

So now that they FINALLY have a beautiful tank (thanks to our friend Todd), now you can meet our kids. First off is Hotdog. He is a North American Green Tree frog that Emily caught on an outside window of a shop in Florida. He is our only frog that has actually come from the wild, rather than being bred in captivity. Here he is in our bromeliad on the left-hand side of the waterfall.

The next two frogs are named Spike (the little one) and Boca (the biggest one). Spike is an Amazon Milk frog and Boca is an Emerald Peacock, or a more commonly called "Big-Eyed" tree frog. We got both of them from the Reptile Expo last year and they are doing well. We sometimes like these guys more because they don't bark like Hotdog, so they don't wake us up at 2 in the morning! More frog pictures to come.


A said...

Wow, that tank is amazing! So glad you guys got it up and running.

A said...

PS, when are you guys taking off? is it really Wednesday?

DillChips said...

I wish I could see more posts on your very cute blog page. I want to know how it is going on the east coast.
Are you doing alright Em?

{Layla} said...

Emily--I told you your page would look beautiful and unique. I am glad we used the scanned in paper--until you find something that you absolutely love. I think it came together very well (and only took us like 3 hours!) ;) Let me know if you need anymore help (we can add music, links to other pages, slideshows etc).

{Layla} said...

btw...we missed the "veggie pride day parade" this week---people parading around dressed as vegetables! I guess you gotta love your veggies, right? (This city is beautifully crazy!) =)